Python, Reading and writing JSON with the package json



The essential features when learning quickly Python for an immediate use :

In this chapter, how to read and write JSON data in a Python program with the system package json.

The Python environment

The python environment is the following, sourced with the file $HOME/.python-3.8:

export PYHOME=/opt/python/python-3.8
export PATH=$PYHOME/bin:$PATH
export PYTHONPATH=/opt/python/packages

sqlpac@vpsfrsqlpac2$ . $HOME/.python-3.8
sqlpac@vpsfrsqlpac2$ which python3
sqlpac@vpsfrsqlpac2$ which pip3

virtualenv is installed and a full isolated virtual environment is setup for the project :

sqlpac@vpsfrsqlpac2$ cd /home/sqlpac
sqlpac@vpsfrsqlpac2$ virtualenv /home/sqlpac/google
Using base prefix '/opt/python/python-3.8'
New python executable in /home/sqlpac/google/bin/python3.8
Also creating executable in /home/sqlpac/google/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...
sqlpac@vpsfrsqlpac2$ source /home/sqlpac/google/bin/activate
(google) sqlpac@vpsfrsqlpac2:/home/sqlpac$

The JSON data sample

We know the JSON format sent by Google Indexing API when requesting the status for a given URL :

  "url": "",
  { "url": "",    
    "type": "URL_UPDATED", 
    "notifyTime": "2020-04-10T17:43:21.198591915Z"

The environment variable $PRJ is set to the working directory

(google) sqlpac@vpsfrsqlpac2:/home/sqlpac$ mkdir google/json
(google) sqlpac@vpsfrsqlpac2:/home/sqlpac$ export PRJ=/home/sqlpac/google/json

(google) sqlpac@vpsfrsqlpac2:/home/sqlpac$ cd $PRJ
(google) sqlpac@vpsfrsqlpac2:/home/sqlpac/google/json$

Let’s see how to handle JSON in a Python program.

System package json

The system package json is available in native code, just import it :

import json

That’s all !

Reading JSON data

The method loads : loading from a string variable

Use the method loads to load JSON from a string variable :

import json

response_json='{"a":1, "b":2}'

loaded_json = json.loads(response_json)

for key in loaded_json:
	print("key : %s, value: %s" % (key,loaded_json[key]))
(google) sqlpac@vpsfrsqlpac2:/home/sqlpac/google/json$ python3
key : a, value: 1
key : b, value: 2

In the real life, JSON is not defined in a single line string, to define a JSON string using multiple lines :

import json

response_json = '''{
  "url": "",
  { "url": "",
    "type": "URL_UPDATED",
    "notifyTime": "2020-04-10T17:43:21.198591915Z"
  "isactive" : true,
  "floatvalue" : 1.2399,
  "intvalue" : 1,
  "ostypes" : ["linux","macos","windows"]

loaded_json = json.loads(response_json)
for key in loaded_json:
  print("%s %s %s" % (key, type(loaded_json[key]), loaded_json[key]))

Extra data are added in the JSON sample for the demo : isactive, floatvalue, intvalue, ostypes.

Data types are also displayed with the function type(). The data types are then the following :

url<class 'str'>…
latestUpdate<class 'dict'>{'url': '…', 'type': 'URL_UPDATED'…}
isactive<class 'bool'>True
floatvalue<class 'float'>1.2300
intvalue<class 'int'>1
ostypes<class 'list'>["linux","macos","windows"]

When we are used to Javascript, the data type translation is the following :

Number (int)int
Number (float)float
true | falseTrue | False

So naturally, we try the Javascript dot notation syntax, but it does not work :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 23, in <module>
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'url'

To use the dot notation, a class must be created :

import json

response_json = '''{
 "url": "",
 { "url": "",
   "type": "URL_UPDATED",
   "notifyTime": "2020-04-10T17:43:21.198591915Z"
 "isactive" : true,
 "floatvalue" : 1.2399,
 "intvalue" : 1,
 "ostypes" : ["linux","macos","windows"]

class google():
	def __init__(self, data):
		self.__dict__ = json.loads(data)
google_answer = google(response_json)


As expected, google_answer.latestUpdate.type is not available as it would be with Javascript, but google_answer.latestUpdate["type"]. Python is not Javascript, we must leave sometimes our programming habits.

The method load : loading from a file

When JSON data are stored in a file, the method load is used :

import json

with open('json-data.json', 'r') as f:
    json_dict = json.load(f)


No difference with the previous example, to use dot notation, create a class :

import json

class google():
	def __init__(self, filename):
		with open(filename, 'r') as f:
			self.__dict__ = json.load(f)

google_answer = google('json-data.json')

Handling malformed JSON data

Use try / except blocks to manage exceptions encountered when loading malformed JSON data :

import json

with open('json-data.json') as f:
		data = json.load(f)
	except Exception as e:
		print("Exception raised | %s " % str(e))
Exception raised | Expecting ',' delimiter: line 6 column 5 (char 306)

Duplicate key/value

What if a key/value is defined more than once :

	"url": "1.html",
	"url": 1

No exception raised, the value loaded and the datatype is the last key/value read in the JSON data :

import json
print("value : %s, data type : %s" % (data["url"], type(data["url"]) ))
value : 18, data type : <class 'int'>

Returning and writing JSON data

Let’s imagine we want to return the following "dummy" answer :

    "url": "",
    "ostypes": [ "linux", "macos","windows"],
    "isactive": true,
    "price": "12€",
    "details": {
        "returncode": "0",
        "reason": "none"

The method dumps

The method dumps returns a JSON string from a Python dictionary :

import json

response = {}

response["url"] = ""
response["ostypes"] = ["linux","macos","windows"]
response["isactive"] = True
response["price"] = "12$"
response["details"] = { "returncode": 1, "reason":"none" }

str_response = json.dumps(response)
{"url": "", "ostypes": ["linux", "macos", "windows"], "isactive": true, "price": "12$", "details": {"returncode": 1, "reason": "none"}}

Data are well transtyped in the way back :

intNumber (int)
floatNumber (float)
True | Falsetrue | false

Human readable

Data are returned in a single line format, use the indentation option indent to get a more human readable format

str_response = json.dumps(response, indent=4)
    "url": "",
    "ostypes": [
    "isactive": true,
    "price": "12$",
    "details": {
        "returncode": 1,
        "reason": "none"


And if there is a unicode character, for example 12€ instead of 12$. The response will look like this :

        "price": "12\u20ac",

By default, json.dumps ensures text is ASCII-encoded, if not, text is escaped. Set the option ensure_ascii to False to ensure unicode characters are not touched :

str_response = json.dumps(response, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
        "price": "12€",

Sorting keys

Key order is not guaranteed or predefined, to force a key ordering, set sort_keys to True :

str_response = json.dumps(response, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=True)
    "details": {
        "reason": "none",
        "returncode": 1
    "isactive": true,
    "ostypes": [
    "price": "12€",
    "url": ""

The method dump

Use the method dump when writing JSON data to a file, all the options described above with the method dumps are available for the method dump :

with open('response.json', 'w') as f:
 json.dump(response,f,indent=4, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=False )
    "url": "",
    "ostypes": [
    "isactive": true,
    "price": "12€",
    "details": {
        "returncode": 1,
        "reason": "none"


Serializing and deserializing data for JSON usage are quite easy but we need to forget Javascript habits when handling loaded JSON data in Python programs (dot notation…).